A Big Serving of Curiosity

Perfect for a stomach full of chili. Go friggin' Birds

A Big Serving of Curiously

“Constantly curious” – a phrase I’ve used to describe myself for years now. I’d like to think that came before resume writing days, but either way, I still stand by it. Whether it’s in conversations, trying new foods or traveling new places, it’s a phrase I’m turning into more action this year. (This may be teasing at incoming content very soon ✈️)

Typically, January itself is a big serving of seasonal ~feelings~, and with everything going on this year already unfortunately, it’s hard to dodge that.

Though on the flip side, 13 days in, and I’ve actually had some memorable times with friends and family just talking about life. Or maybe I’ve just enjoyed the conversations thanks to the bowls (yes, multiple) of French onion soup, homemade chili and other comforting meals.

French onion soup is quickly turning into this year’s answer to the question, “What’s the one thing on a menu that if you see, you have to order it?”

These questions are my favorite because to some people it’s an immediate answer without hesitation. For others, a question like that feels so like it carries so much importance. I may or may not fall into the “others” group, which is because the “depends on season” answer doesn’t work for these questions.

So let’s rapid fire some off:

  • What was the last dish that left you speechless?

  • What are your In’s and Out’s this year?

  • What does an ideal day off look like?

  • Where did you travel that shocked you the most with how much you enjoyed it?

  • If you had $50 for three meals in one day, where are you going?

  • What’s something that’s recently gotten you into a flow state?

  • What three songs describe life lately?

  • Who’s in your dream [insert whatever fun you so please] rotation?

That feels like the right place to stop.

I’m sure it’s a mix of life feeling slowed down to be able to sit down and have more casual conversations, but also just spending more time hanging out with friends and family. And sharing it over meals is just another sign that good food + gathering is the perfect mix for a great time.

I’d love to hear about your answers to any of the above. Will give me some good reads to pass the time 🛫

What’s Cookin’

Not that I’ve got much time to be cooking or baking this week, but here are some fun ones that caught my eye this past week:

  • Baklava Babka Buns by Red Currant Bakery – these looks NUTS, pun intended. I came close to making these this past weekend, but realized for once I should be productive instead of in the kitchen… typically those go hand-in-hand for me.

  • Butter Beans with Calabrian Chili by Luis Miguel Lising, Food & Wine – I love a good 30-minute bean recipe, and there may be a little extra treatment to the lemons here, but who doesn’t love a little sweet and spicy mix? And lemon tell ya, Calabrian chilis are a staple in my fridge.

  • French Onion Soup – you know you want it, too. I’ve never made it at home, and I need to see if it’s worth making at home or just popping out for a bowl from the professionals. If I were to / when I make it at home, these are the recipes that I’d start to reference: Serious Eats and NYT Cooking.

Here’s to more good convos around the fireplace, table or wherever you find yourself. And, lastly, Go Birds 🦅

Have a great week ✌️

Still working on this massive piece of lemon meringue. Five gold stars for this one.