Go Birds, Go Birds and, dare I say, Go Birds

Voice: gone. Vibes: high. Go: Birds.

Go Birds, Go Birds and, dare I say, Go Birds

Super Bowl Sunday hits a bit different when The Eagles put belt to ass against The Chiefs. The vibes around Philadelphia are immaculate when The Birds are doing well, and Broad Street last night was full of any and all celebrations, keeping it warm for the parade later this week.

So as you can imagine, last night’s celebrations have me in a recovery state today. And I’m still getting back in the swing of things, so cooking has been rather slow. We’ll ease back into it here with a quick one, so we can all get back to celebrations. (And if The Eagles aren’t your thing, we can celebrate the fact that the days are getting longer – a bright spot for everyone.)

What’s Cookin’

The Big Game called for cooking up something new, and for the first thing I actually cooked since getting back, it was a success. These potstickers were a hit during the game as well as at dinner the night before as a test run. The filling is a perfect mixture of pork, some sauces, scallions, bok choy, ginger and garlic. I added in the bok choy and left out the water in the filling.

I was also pleasantly surprised by how easy the dumpling wrappers were to make – just flour water and oil. I even tested with some store bought wrappers and they were similar, but I preferred the homemades as they held their shape and were nicer to work with. Worth the challenge.

Also, big shoutout to Fly by Jing. I love their marketing, so I’m very glad that the flavors of their chili crisp lived up to the expectations. (Fly by Jing. Fly like an Eagle. Eagles. Go Birds.)

Process shot of the pleats

Homemade wrappers in the circle, store-bought lighter in the middle.

As for another highlight bite from the Super Bowl makes: meatball sando. This was tonight’s dinner with leftovers from the family. A damn good sandwich for the state I’m in today.

I’m going to call this one a hangover newsletter because last week’s truly was a special one (and definitely not because of how I’m feeling today). Next week we’ll be back to the regular fun with saved recipes and what I’ve cooked up this week. So for a final time (this season), Go Birds 🦅

Enjoy your week 🤘

Don’t try and figure out what’s going on here. It’s perfect chaos.